Good Food Guide

Healthy eating

A healthy balance of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and water in the foods we eat helps to
(1) provide energy;
(2) build, repair, and maintain body tissues and
(3) regulate body processes.

When meals are eaten in the company of others, people not only benefit from the nutritious foods, but also enjoy the chance to socialize. This encourages good eating habits and promotes good mental health.

The essential nutrients (normally listed on food labels) have the following functions:

Protein For preservation and repair of tissue; formation of antibodies to fight infection.
Carbohydrates For energy; fibre to help prevent constipation.
Fat For energy; healthy body and skin.
Vitamin A For healthy eyes, skin, hair; resistance to infection.
Vitamin C For healthy gums, skin; healing of wounds, bones; resisting infection.
Thiamin (B1) For digestion; healthy nervous system.
Riboflavin (B2) For healthy eyes, skin, mouth; use of oxygen from air.
Niacin For healthy digestive tract and nervous system.
Calcium For preservation and repair of bones, teeth; muscle contractions; blood clotting.
Iron For building red blood cells to carry oxygen to all parts of the body.

There are many more nutrients but unfortunately there is not such a thing as a perfect food which contains all we need to live so to simplify daily meal planning, foods are grouped according to the main nutrients they supply. Aim to plan your diet so that it includes the recommended number of servings from each group.

Adapting Meals for People with Dietary Restrictions

If someone is on a restricted diet (low salt, diabetic or low saturated fat), the Basic Four Food Groups Guide (which follows) can still be used.

However, because diets are prescribed to control a specific medical condition, certain foods may have to be eliminated, modified in the preparation, or limited in their intake. It is important that carers obtain specific instructions from a registered dietician or their doctor on which foods are allowed, how much, and how they should be cooked.

Since some foods or medications may interact with other medicines and/or foods in a harmful way, check with the pharmacist as to restrictions in any medications' use before it is used.

The Four Basic Food Groups

Meat Group: for protein, niacin, iron, and Thiamin-B1.
take 2 servings daily.
Dry beans and peas, soy extenders, and nuts combined with animal or grain protein can be substituted for a serving of meat.
2 ounces of cooked, lean meat, fish or poultry have the same amount of protein as:
- 2 eggs;
- 1 cup cooked dry beans, peas, or lentils;
- 4 tablespoons peanut butter;
- ½ cup cottage cheese.

Grain Group: for carbohydrates, Thiamin-B1, iron, and niacin.
take 4 servings daily.
Whole grain, fortified, or enriched grain products are recommended.
1 adult serving is:
- 1 slice bread;
- 1 cup ready to eat cereal;
- ½ cup cooked cereal, pasta, cornmeal, or rice;
- 1 small muffin or biscuit.

Milk Group: for calcium, riboflavin-B2, and protein.
take 2 glasses daily:
Foods made from milk give part of the nutrients supplied by a glass of milk.
1 glass milk has the same amount of calcium as
- 1 small pot yoghurt,
- 1½ ounces cheddar type cheese,
- 1¾ scoops of ice cream,
- 2 cupfuls of cottage cheese.

Fruit Vegetable Group: for vitamins A and C.
take 4 servings daily:
Dark green leafy or orange vegetable and fruit are recommended 3 or 4 times weekly for vitamin A.
Citrus fruit is recommended daily for vitamin C.
1 adult serving is:
1 cup raw fruit or vegetable,
½ cup cooked fruit or vegetable,
1 medium fruit, such as an apple or banana,
½ cup juice.

Common Problems Interfering with Good Nutrition

Illness, disability and depression can affect the desire and ability to eat properly. The following suggestions deal with common problems interfering with good nutrition.

When someone says food tastes strange:

Eat slowly,
Eat small meals frequently,
Avoid windy foods, e.g., cabbage, onions, nuts, beer, cola drinks,
Avoid lounging immediately after eating; stand or sit upright for one hour after eating,
Avoid fried, greasy and heavily spiced foods,
Try bland, low fat, easily digested foods,
Chilled antacid may help, HOWEVER, check with your doctor regarding the brand of antacid to use.

Take high fibre foods and plenty of liquids,
Add bran when cooking or baking (1 - 2 tablespoons of bran for each cup of flour),
Drink hot beverages which act as stimulants.

Eat small meals frequently,
Drink clear liquids,
Avoid high fibre and greasy foods,
Replace fluid loss with liquids between meals.

Avoid unpleasant odours,
Eat small meals frequently,
Chew slowly and thoroughly,
Sip cool, clear liquids between meals,
Rest after meals with head elevated,
Avoid hot, spicy, strong smelling foods or fried, greasy foods,
Try foods which are cold or at room temperature, and low fat food,
Eat dry or salty food,
Try fresh air and loose clothing.

Drink plenty of liquids,
Suck on ice cubes,
Suck on an ice lolly made of milk or non acid juices,
Dip or soak foods in liquids,
Use extra gravies, sauces, salad dressing,
Rinse mouth frequently,
Suck hard sweets or chew gum,
Eat sweet or tart foods if there are no mouth sores,
Artificial saliva can be used.

General Suggestions on Helping a Frail Person to Eat Better

Plan meals and snacks to include their favourite foods.
Use a variety of foods from each of the four food groups,
Use foods having a variety of texture, colour, and temperature,
Make it civilised with matching place mats, dishes and linen, not paper and plastic!!.

Last updated 25-02-2013